
Chatham County is at a critical point in its history. It has experienced exceptional growth in recent years and rapid development will continue to follow. Set on the backdrop of accelerated growth in our state overall, an opportunity presents itself. We are uniquely situated in knowing the environmental impacts linked to the development we see on the horizon, while still having the time needed to protect our natural resources.

Chatham County contains a vast array of natural resources, such as large tracts of upland forests, rare aquatic habitats, and diverse conserved landscapes. Harboring 49 rare, threatened, or endangered species, 13 impaired bodies of water, and a growing concern over groundwater availability for agriculture, Chatham has plenty worth conserving.

Our government and community are hard at work to ensure that generations to come can enjoy the incredible natural resources that make Chatham special. Use these pages to learn more about local conservation efforts, groups to get involved with, and ways to get out there and explore these natural spaces yourself!