Chatham County, NC
Home MenuHow to Use a Fire Extinguisher
Even though extinguishers come in a number of shapes and sizes, they all operate in a similar manner. Here's an easy acronym for fire extinguisher use:
P A S S -- Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep
Pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher that keeps the handle from being accidentally pressed. |
Aim the nozzle toward the base of the fire. |
Stand approximately 8 feet away from the fire and squeeze the handle to discharge the extinguisher. If you release the handle, the discharge will stop. |
Sweep the nozzle back and forth at the base of the fire. After the fire appears to be out, watch it carefully since it may reignite! |
Congratulations -- you did it!!! |
Here is a video on how to use a fire extinguisher