
Please Don't Feed Them

The 2017 Tick Forum presentations


What are Ticks?Tick Picture

Ticks are arachnids or to most people “bugs” that can attach to humans and transmit germs that cause Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Lyme Disease, and other tick borne diseases. The best way to protect yourself from getting a tick borne disease is to avoid ticks, remove ticks promptly and properly, and prevent ticks from infesting areas where you and your children play.

Avoiding Ticks:

  • Wear tick repellentOff Spray
  • When walking in the woods wear light colored clothing, long sleeves, and long pants. Put your pants legs into your socks.
  • Check yourself and your kids for ticks when returning from being outdoors. Be especially watchful around the waist, the groin, and the neck. 
  • If you see an attached tick you should safely remove the tick. 
  • After safely removing the tick, document the location of attachment, the day the tick was removed and watch for signs of illness such as rash or fever. If you experience these symptoms see your health care provider and let them know you were recently bitten by a tick.

      IMPORTANT: Early tick removal may reduce the risk of infection of some tick-borne diseases. Follow the steps below to safely remove ticks from animals and humans.

    Removing Ticks 

    1. Use fine-tipped tweezers and protect hands with a tissue or gloves to avoid contact with tick fluids. 
      Tick Removal 1

    2. Grab the tick close to the skin. Do Not twist or jerk the tick, as this may cause the mouthparts to break off and remain on the skin.

      Tick Removal 2
    3. Gently pull straight up until all parts of the tick are removed.

    4. After removing tick, wash your hands with soap and water (or waterless alcohol-based hand rubs when soap is not available). Clean the tick bite with an antiseptic such as iodine scrub, rubbing alcohol, or water containing detergents. Document the location of attachment, the day the tick was removed and watch for signs of illness such as rash or fever. If you experience these symptoms see your health care provider and let them know you were recently bitten by a tick.

    For more information about ticks for kids: 

    Don't Let the Ticks Bite - a slide show for children

    For more information about ticks for adults:

    Board of Health Presentation on Tick-Borne Illness in Chatham County (March 2016)

    Ticks-Adults Slide Show Presentation

    Brochure--Tick-Borne Diseases in North Carolina

    Poster--Protect Yourself from Ticks & Tick Borne Illness

    Poster--Do You Feel ILL After Exposure to Ticks or Ticks Habitats? 


    Para información sobre garrapatas, porfavor  visite la página Web de CDC
