Chatham County, NC
Home MenuApproved FY 2020-2021 Budget
On June 15, the Board of Commissioners approved the FY 2020-2021 Recommended Budget. The budget is shown below by section.
Budget At A Glance: This section gives an overview of the budget and key facts and provides a guide to interpreting budget summaries.
Budget Message:This section provides a high-level overview of the budget.
Summary Information: The Summary Information provides context for the county's fiscal position.
Commissioner Goals: This section presents Board of Commissioner goals, and the accomplishments and plans of the Collaborative Impact Teams in achieving goals.
General Fund Summary and Revenue: The General Fund Summary and Revenue provides a summary of the expenses and revenues in the General Fund.
Administration: Administration includes departments that provide support for departments that deliver services. It also includes non-departmental expense.
Culture, Education, and Recreation: This section includes departments that provide education, library services, and recreation.
General Government: General Government includes departments that carry out mandated functions and support the overall governance of the county.
Human Services: This section includes departments and agencies that enhance the health and welfare of county residents.
Natural Resources Management: Natural Resources Management includes departments that regulate and permit development or are charged with increasing certain types of development, such as tourism or economic development.
Public Safety: Public Safety includes departments that respond to emergency situations, prevent crime and other public safety hazards, and generally protect the safety of county residents and property. (NOTE: Errors were found in the original production of this section of the document. These have been corrected. To reiterate, the errors were in the production of the document and not in the budget itself.)
Enterprise Funds:This section includes budgets for departments that are self-supporting.
Other Funds: This section includes Fire Districts and Special Revenue Funds that account for the proceeds of revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for special purposes.
Appendix A: Chatham County Financial and Budgetary Policies
Appendix B: Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
Appendix C: Introduction to Chatham County 2021-2027 Capital Improvements Program
Appendix D: List of new or increased fees
Appendix E: Budget Ordinance