Join us on Vimeo for Didgeridoo Down Under!
Didgeridoo Down Under is a high-energy, Australia-themed show that combines music, culture, comedy, character building, storytelling and audience participation. The didgeridoo has been played by Aboriginal Australians for at least 1,500 years and is known for its otherworldly sound. But DDU is more than music. It’s interactive, educational, motivational and super fun. You’ll learn about Aussie culture, animals and more, all while moving & grooving to the pulsing rhythms of the didge!
Rob Thomas is a true didgeridoo pioneer in the U.S. He has played and made didges for 20-plus years; has performed throughout the country; has recorded several CDs; and has produced music for numerous films. Like all of our presenters, he performs his own unique version of DDU.
Then, gather up your homemade didge-making materials: PVC pipe, cardboard tubes, vacuum cleaner hoses, or pool noodles, and then join us on Vimeo for Aussie Fun Jam, a Virtual Didgeridoo Workshop!
Aussie Fun Jam is a one-of-a-kind musical and cultural experience. The didgeridoo is an Australian Aboriginal instrument with a funky, fresh sound that’s as exotic as its name. In this upbeat workshop, participants learn to play the "didge" -- including animal sounds and simple rhythms -- with beginner didgeridoos made from commonly found household items. Experience the naturally exhilarating, buzzing sensation!
This awesome performance and workshop will be available until 7/18/2020.
For more information, contact Youth Services at (919) 545-8089 or