Chatham County, NC
Home MenuMeetings of Transportation Advisory Committee
Due to the declared state of emergency during the COVID-19 pandemic and mass gathering restrictions as outlined in the Governor’s Executive Order 121, 135 & 138 the Transportation Advisory Committee, Planning Board & Appearance Commission meetings will be held remotely.
There is no physical location for the meetings, but meetings will be open to the public to attend and participate remotely. Please Visit
UPCOMING MEETINGS: Below is a list of upcoming meetings of the Transportation Advisory Committee. Agendas will be added a week prior to meeting date. To sign up to receive e-notices of agendas a few days in advance, sign up on this page: Be sure to select Transportation Advisory Committee meetings as your option.
MINUTES & PAST MEETINGS: To view past agendas and minutes, click on "All Past" and then select the link corresponding to the meeting date.